01/01/2023-on going: Director of the Judicial Documentation Center. CENDOJ-GENERAL COUNCIL OF THE JUDICARY (CGPJ) (SPAIN)
01/10/2021-31/12/2022: Legal Counsel - Chief of case-law and digital transformación sector. CENDOJ-GENERAL COUNCIL OF THE JUDICIARY (CGPJ) (SPAIN)
01/10/2020-01/10/2021: Legal Officer & IT SNE - European Data Protection Board
04/11/2014–30/09/2020: JHA Counsellor (Justice) - Permanent Representation of Spain to the European Union. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Madrid (Spain)
20/02/2007–Present: Senior Judge. GENERAL COUNCIL OF THE JUDICIARY (CGPJ), Madrid (Spain)
05/01/2012–10/10/2014: Secretary General. MINISTRY OF JUSTICE, Madrid (Spain)
01/04/2010–10/01/2012 Director of the Judicial Documentation Center (CENDOJ) GENERAL COUNCIL OF THE JUDICIARY (CGPJ), Madrid (Spain)
14/01/2005–31/03/2010 Chief of Sector - Judicial Documentation Centre (CENDOJ) GENERAL COUNCIL OF THE JUDICIARY (CGPJ), Madrid (Spain). ▪ Head of Planning and Information Systems / ▪ Head of Documentation and Comparative Law / ▪ Author of the Spanish Thesaurus of Jurisprudence
30/07/2003–13/01/2005 President of the Consumer Arbitration Board Basque Country Government, Vitoria (Spain)
04/12/1996–01/10/2002 Attorney at Law Beriyo Consulting, S.L., San Sebastián (Spain)
17/01/1991–15/02/2005 Professor of Procedural Law. UNIVERSITY OF THE BASQUE COUNTRY, San Sebastián (Spain)