Agency Image
Restatement of the Law Third,


This work offers valuable guidance on business relationships, including those between officers and corporations, employees and employers, and real estate and other specialized agents and their clients. Application of agency doctrines to organizations is discussed at length with useful illustrations.

Restatement of the Law Second, Agency, is now out of print and has been completely superseded by Restatement of the Law Third, Agency. 

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  • Official Text Volumes 1 & 2 Image
    Official Text Volumes 1 & 2
    411/583 pages, 2006, #1R3AGNOTK

    Volume 1 covers principles of attribution, creation and termination of authority and agency relationships, ratification, and notifications and notice. Volume 2 covers contracts and other transactions with third parties, torts-liability of agent and principal, and duties of agent and principal to each other.  

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  • Official Text Vol. 1
    411 pages, 2006, #1R3AGNV1OT

    Volume 1 covers principles of attribution, creation and termination of authority and agency relationships, ratification, and notifications and notice.

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  • Official Text Vol. 2
    583 pages, 2006, #1R3AGNV2OT

    Volume 2 covers contracts and other transactions with third parties, torts-liability of agent and principal, and duties of agent and principal to each other. 

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