Suretyship and Guaranty Image
Restatement of the Law Third,

Suretyship and Guaranty

This work is a comprehensive analysis of the doctrines, principles, and policies of suretyship law. It is the Institute’s first examination of the law of suretyship in more than half a century and addresses dramatic developments in this area as modern contract theory and the policies embodied in the Uniform Commercial Code have been embraced by courts and commentators. This volume supersedes Division II of the Restatement of Security (1941), the Institute’s previous treatment of the subject.

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    361 pages, 1996, #5542

    This Restatement contains chapters addressing formation, enforcement, rules applicable to, and interpretation of secondary obligations. As well as rights and recourse of obligors and obliges. It was formerly called Restatement of the Law Third, Suretyship.

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  • Current Offerings:
    • 2024 REST SUP SURETYSHIP & GUAR 43312903

      This Cumulative Annual Supplement contains all citations, through June 2023, to the Restatement of the Law Third, Suretyship and Guaranty (1996). It also contains all citations, for the same period, to the Restatement of the Law of Security (1941). Although Division II of the Restatement of Security, titled “Suretyship,” has been entirely superseded by the new Restatement of Suretyship and Guaranty, and Division I, titled “Personal Property as Security,” has been largely superseded by Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, the Institute will continue to publish citations to the Restatement of Security in this Supplement for the reader’s convenience. Citations to the Restatement of Security appear first, followed by citations to the Restatement Third, Suretyship and Guaranty.

      FGN - 43312903

      $96.00 300+ pages 2024 #24SUPSUR